Frequently Asked Questions
All charges are due within 14 business days from the initial deposit date. Any additional charges incurred during the event period are due promptly at the conclusion of the event. Credit cards on file will be processed for charges that may include, but are not limited to, damage to the event center property.
We accept the following methods of payment: Debit Card, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, cash payment or a bank-certified check.
You may choose your six-hour block of time, which includes your event’s set-up and break-down time. You are responsible for your linens and decorations, but typically our preferred caterers can provide those services. You will usually need at least one hour for set-up prior to when guests will arrive and one hour following your guests’ departure for vendors to break down.
Additional time requested will be allocated based on availability and charges will be applied to the invoice.
You may choose your six-hour block of time, which includes your event’s set-up and break-down time. You are responsible for your linens and decorations, but typically our preferred caterers can provide those services. You will usually need at least one hour for set-up prior to when guests will arrive and one hour following your guests’ departure for vendors to break down.
Additional time requested will be allocated based on availability and charges will be applied to the invoice.
You may choose your six-hour block of time, which includes your event’s set-up and break-down time. You are responsible for your linens and decorations, but typically our preferred caterers can provide those services. You will usually need at least one hour for set-up prior to when guests will arrive and one hour following your guests’ departure for vendors to break down.
Additional time requested will be allocated based on availability and charges will be applied to the invoice.
You may choose your six-hour block of time, which includes your event’s set-up and break-down time. You are responsible for your linens and decorations, but typically our preferred caterers can provide those services. You will usually need at least one hour for set-up prior to when guests will arrive and one hour following your guests’ departure for vendors to break down.
Additional time requested will be allocated based on availability and charges will be applied to the invoice.
You may choose your six-hour block of time, which includes your event’s set-up and break-down time. You are responsible for your linens and decorations, but typically our preferred caterers can provide those services. You will usually need at least one hour for set-up prior to when guests will arrive and one hour following your guests’ departure for vendors to break down.
Additional time requested will be allocated based on availability and charges will be applied to the invoice.
You may choose your six-hour block of time, which includes your event’s set-up and break-down time. You are responsible for your linens and decorations, but typically our preferred caterers can provide those services. You will usually need at least one hour for set-up prior to when guests will arrive and one hour following your guests’ departure for vendors to break down.
Additional time requested will be allocated based on availability and charges will be applied to the invoice.
You may choose your six-hour block of time, which includes your event’s set-up and break-down time. You are responsible for your linens and decorations, but typically our preferred caterers can provide those services. You will usually need at least one hour for set-up prior to when guests will arrive and one hour following your guests’ departure for vendors to break down.
Additional time requested will be allocated based on availability and charges will be applied to the invoice.
Yes. If your program requires an exhibit area, space is available to vendors at a per-day fee. The Event Center's management reserves the right to limit the size and number of exhibits based on the total group’s size and impact on other group meetings occurring at the Event Center.
There are a total of 400 parking spaces adjacent and behind the Event Center. Requests for special event parking can be arranged through the University’s Parking Services. Parking in numbered/permanently reserved spaces will result in fines. The Foundation does not assume responsibility/liability for any loss or damage to attendees’ vehicles or vehicles’ contents.
All deposits and payments are non-refundable. Contracted events may be postponed and re-booked at a date within 48 hours after the initial event date based on availability, with all event details transferring to the new event date. A 10% Date Transfer Fee (DTF) will be charged; additional charges may apply based on room size and the event date. Payment credits/differences are non-refundable but will be applied to the new reservation within the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) to which the event is reserved.
In the event of adverse weather conditions, the Alumni-Foundation Event Center will make decisions about conference operations in a manner that best addresses the safety, convenience and preferences of clients and conference attendees. If the University is closed due to inclement weather, the Alumni-Foundation Event Center will also be closed.
An Event Center staff member will be present an hour prior to the event and during the event to oversee and inspect the closing and cleaning process of the building and will be available for questions and emergencies.